Day 51

I'm very frustrated with Leandro and my whole fitness quest right now. How is it possible that I've been working out so much for nearly two months--more than I worked out previously--and yet this morning when I put on one of my "weight gauge" skirts to wear to work, it was unbecomingly tight through the hips? This skirt fit me better when I bought it several years ago--BEFORE I lost 10 lbs in 2008! How is that possible???

I ate a spartan diet all day and when I got home, I shunned Cardio Axe and Bum Bum in favor of doing three workouts from the "10 Minute Solution: Carb Burner" video, which I got via Instant Play on Netflix. I did a couple of these a few weeks ago and liked the instructor and the workouts. They each last only 10 minutes, including a mini-warm-up and mini-cool-down. The moves get your heart rate up quickly and before you know it, the workout is over. As I said, I did three of these today, all incorporating many lunges and squats (homage to Leandro).

I enjoyed the carb burner workouts so much, I thought I'd try more of the 10-minute thing. (It's an entire series.) So I did two from the "Rapid Results Pilates" video: Super Toned Buns & Thighs, and Waist Slimmer. Enjoyed them both. The Waist Slimmer was particularly challenging!

A total of 50 minutes working out, which is just a few minutes short of what I would have done with Cardio Axe and Bum Bum. Awesome.

I'm still annoyed.