Day 52

Still annoyed at BBL, fitness program, that skirt, etc.

A new release from Netflix was waiting in my mailbox when I got home and I really wanted to watch it before I had to leave for some church meetings at 7. I changed into my workout clothes but instead of doing Sculpt (about 50 minutes), I did my own strength-training workout with my hand weights while watching the movie. I did some leg exercises I learned when I was in physical therapy for my formerly-gimpy knee--including one-legged squats--a bunch of arm exercises, and some core/ab exercises. I've done Sculpt so many times that I have several of the segments memorized so I was able to recreate those, probably doing more reps than Leandro does. I did not do The Plank.

All told, I exercised for about 40 minutes, at which point I had to eat and shower before going out. Awesome.

Spartan eating regimen again today. I'm determined to get into that annoying skirt....