Day 53

Woke up with stiff/sore muscles today from my self-led power movie workout yesterday. Super.

Still with my austere diet but I didn't work out today. Met up with someone after work for what turned out to be a longish get-together. By the time I got home, it was 8pm and I was starving. Eating trumped exercise and here I am blogging about it with a British crime drama on PBS in the background.

Week 8 will be over soon and will I have anything to show for it?? Is my butt more lifted than it was when I began? Have the dimples disappeared from my thighs? I'm glad I'm healthy, and exercise is always beneficial, but that feels like a weak salve for my frustration right now. I'm going to Greece in five weeks. I won't look like the Beach Beauties by then, but it would be nice to look a little more toned while I'm snorkeling in those pristine Mediterranean waters.