Game On!

So Marni decided to allow me to be a writer of this blog to help me with my motivations as well.  After having had a baby a couple of months ago I am ready to lose that baby weight and get back to a normal healthy body again.  In fact, this was baby number 4 for me, and I haven't really gotten back to my pre-baby weight EVER.  So that would be awesome, but the real (more realistic) goal I'm setting is to lose 25 pounds in 26 weeks, by July 1, when our family is getting together for the semi-annual beach week. 

My weight loss plan includes less sweets, better portion control, and exercise whenever possible.  I started the week off pretty well, with a Tae Bo basic workout on Monday.  Tuesday I did three of the 10-Minute Solutions workouts, including one cardio and two pilates workouts.  Wednesday I didn't work out because instead I spent my evening making Rice Krispie Treat snowmen for my son's school class. 

Today I was blessed--and I mean blessed--by having my newborn get very tired at the same time that my 2-year-old daughter was ready to do her quiet time.  I quickly ran upstairs, put the baby to bed, and jumped into workout clothes, deciding to do a full 60-minute workout using The Firm DVD.  I love this workout because it combines weight and strength exercises with cardio segments, getting a real full-body workout.  I was able to complete the whole thing with only one interruption to help my daughter (who is potty training) do some business, and even got a shower in as well!  I'm feeling good!

Hopefully I'll be able to workout again tomorrow and/or Saturday.  I'll let you know.  And I'm going to be doing a weigh-in at the end of every week to chart my progress, so I'll let you know how that goes.

Oh, and Marni?  Game on!