Workout Buddies

I've been so happy with the new Jillian Michaels exercise video that I wanted Holly to try it. So when I went over to her house to hang out on Saturday, we did it together. It's a seriously tough workout and we were both feeling it exceedingly about 10 minutes in. The difference is, Holly is probably still feeling it today, whereas I didn't really have any day-after soreness this time around (thank goodness!).

Holly's 5-year-old did a lot of the moves with us in the beginning--through the warm-up and part of the first circuit--which was hilarious and adorable. He's tall for his age and rather stocky, and looked so cute trying to do lunges and bicycle crunches. He got bored or tired before the end of the first circuit and went to play with his brother and sister, but came back later to watch, when he decided to taunt us with helpful observations like, "That doesn't look very hard" (meanwhile, our abs/shoulders/quads/triceps were screaming), to which we replied, "Really? Then why don't you do it with us?" He declined every time.

I'm proud of Holly for doing the whole tough Jillian workout with me, and proud of myself for exercising four times last week, and eating well every day too. Now, at the beginning of the second full week of the new year, Game On again!