Pine Needles

I didn't exercise yesterday, but I did workout with Jillian today. Do you know what I kept thinking during all those old-school mat exercises that made all my muscles burn? I was thinking, "Where on earth are all these pine needles coming from?"

I took down my Christmas tree a week ago, leaving my floor awash in pine needles. I vacuumed, emptied the canister, vacuumed again. I vacuumed almost every day last week because I kept seeing errant pine needles that had somehow escaped that powerful Dyson suction. So why do I keep finding pine needles on my floor, in all the same places? I pick them up as soon as I spot them, and they mysteriously reappear before my next workout. How does this happen?

The other thing I was thinking today during my workout was, "When is this set going to be over?" As Jillian points out at the end, that workout is no joke. It's tough, but I feel awesome when I'm done.

For dinner after my workout I had an underwhelming salad of butter head lettuce, a little feta, and some edamame, topped with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. (I was out of tomato and the avocado wasn't ripe enough.) Not the most satisfying salad I've ever made, but that edamame sure was tasty! Then I turned on The Biggest Loser and recognized again that I am actually in pretty good shape already.