Hello, Jillian!

I did my new Jillian Michaels workout today. It was SO hard and so AWESOME! True, Jillian lacks some of the personal warmth and charm of Leandro, but she leads the no-frills workout in a straight-forward manner that keeps you motivated and interested all the way through.

No More Trouble Zones is a 50-minute circuit training workout, comprised of a warm-up and cool-down bookending seven different circuits that target different muscle groups--often more than one group at once. For instance, several of the moves worked arms and legs/glutes, while others works arms and abs/core. My heart rate was up from beginning to end, starting with the warm-up exercises, which include jumping jacks and simulated jumping rope.

No frustrating dance moves in this work-out! In fact, nothing that requires too much coordination or balance, which we all know I don't have. No Beach Beauties placidly shimmying and not breaking a sweat. Jillian's two back-up dancers (not an accurate term for these ladies) got shiny from sweat and they were seriously ripped and strong. Much more than just pretty faces with tiny waists! Love it!

I'm looking forward to being sore tomorrow. And I'm looking forward to the day when I can do all the moves in this workout without my muscles quivering or without having to do the modified version because I'm not strong enough to do the regular version. (I seriously have zero upper body strength. It's pathetic.)

Bring it on, Flordia in February!