
In the interest of being fitter in 2011, and looking better in non-winter clothing when I go to Florida in February, I've decided to resurrect this blog. I'm hoping that the accountability it provides will serve as motivation for regular exercise, like it did during my (failed) experiment with the Brazil Butt Lift last summer.

Yesterday I went to Target and bought a new work-out DVD, No More Trouble Zones, starring Jillian Michaels of The Biggest Loser fame. I'm going to pair this with the other work-out videos already in my possession (including the Brazil Butt Lift), as well as some awesome work-outs I've discovered on Netflix. Thank goodness for exercise videos to keep me fit in the winter, when I hate going out in the cold!

Holly is also trying to lose weight before her beach trip this summer. Which means: Game on! Hopefully we'll both be more motivated if it's a competition of sorts.

I should be more specific about how much weight/inches I want to lose or how much I intend to exercise, but I prefer to keep things vague and fuzzy. Makes it easier to feel like I've succeeded that way. Basically, I just want my clothes to fit better. I want those pants that used to practically fall off my hips to fit that loosely again. I'm not expecting to have a body like one of Leandro's beach beauties by February (or ever), but I'll at least feel better because I'm exercising, and my body is bound to change sooner or later if I really keep at it.

Anyone want to come up with an eating plan for me for the next month? Right now I'm incorporating more veggies/salads and reducing my portion sizes a bit, but I'd love some more-specific guidance to kick-start my metabolism.

Next entry: How Jillian Michaels kicked my butt with her circuit training.