Thunder Thighs

Several years ago there was a commercial on TV that showed two men out plowing snow on a cold winter night. As their plow chugged along down the neighborhood streets, their headlights caught sight of a big mass lying in the middle of the road and they got out to investigate.

"What is it?" one of them asked, bewildered.

"Looks like a pair of thunder thighs," the other replied. "Someone probably lost them when they were playing with their kids in the snow."

I'm so glad it's not snowy right now. And that lack of snow gives me even less excuse to stay in the house and not exercise, especially when the weather was so gorgeous and mild on Saturday afternoon. I chose to work off some of my thunder thighs that day by chasing my niece and nephew around their neighborhood. Those little kids can run! We were out there playing chase for at least 20 minutes, maybe 30, and what a delightful and invigorating time it was, for all of us!