Super Active Woman

I took advantage of yesterday's gorgeous weather to unleash my alter-ego, Super Active Woman. She's the woman I want to be all the time and strive to be to varying degrees, usually depending on the weather. Yesterday's warm temps made it easy to don that superhero persona and get some exercise.

My friend Jenny and I went for a 30ish-minute walk around our charming neighborhood at lunch time. Jenny is battling leukemia and consequently isn't exactly a speed walker right now (though she used to run marathons), but it was 30 minutes of moderately-paced movement just the same.

With such incredible weather, I just couldn't resist ditching work early and going for a bike ride in the afternoon. I put the bike rack on my car, suited up in my shorts and jersey (looking very lumpy but oh well), and took The Precious to the trail. I rode 15 miles in about an hour and 20 minutes. Not a stellar time, but considering it was my first ride of the season, I wasn't too bothered about that. The hill at the end of the trail completely kicked my trash and I had to rest for a good 15 minutes or so before the feeling that I was going to vomit subsided and I could head back. The clippy pedals still terrify me.

In the evening, I had my third fencing class. We spent about 15 minutes doing actual fencing this time, maybe a little more, and did a lot of practice drills. One of my knees hurt by the end of it, from all those lunges and the lunge-like pose that's the basis for the foot-work. My leg muscles definitely worked hard! Fencing, I am discovering, is quite technical and I really don't have an aptitude for it, but it is fun just the same.

I awoke this morning feeling stiff and a little sore, especially my legs, but also still with a residual glow from being Super Active Woman yesterday. How will she manifest herself today, with rain pouring down outside? Maybe some 10-minute workouts? Another session with Jillian, perhaps? Pilates? Stay tuned for Super Active Woman's next adventure!