
Since writing my last post, I have been both better and worse in the health and fitness department. That same week, a friend wanted to take me out to dinner to say thank you for helping her in a pinch and I couldn't say no. She also ordered for us the spinach and artichoke dip appetizer and the flour-less chocolate cake w/ice cream dessert. I had to have some of each so as not to be rude. We both sandwiched a salad in between these two to make ourselves feel like we were eating healthy. Not a stellar start.

I am happy to say that, while exercise motivation continues to wax and wane (mostly in accordance with the weather), I have been better about exercising overall--at least, that is my wholly-unquantified impression. I got my heart rate up on the treadmill for 50-60 minutes a day when I was traveling for work, I've been taking the stairs whenever possible, and going for long walks when the weather is nice.

Last week I planned to do something on Tuesday but didn't, and ended up feeling quite shamed when I saw the determination and focus and energy of the contestant who was voted off The Biggest Loser. This girl lost almost 100 pounds at the ranch and had already lost 100 pounds before she even got to the ranch. By the time she got voted off, she'd lost nearly half her previous weight and still had about 100 pounds to go. Wow. She was an amazing inspiration and prompted me to stop making excuses and get out of my lethargy. I texted Holly at the end of the show to say I was coming over on Wednesday so we could work out together.

Which I did. I headed to her place Wednesday evening and, once the kids were in bed, we subjected ourselves to 50 minutes of Jillian Michaels leading us in crunches, lunges, leg lifts, and the like. We were definitely sore the next day, but nevertheless felt grateful to have put in the effort. I was pleased because I actually did some of the plank pulls that I hadn't been able to do previously. Those things are brutal!!

My food discipline has also waxed and waned--mostly waned. I have reduced my cereal portion at breakfast and upped my vegetable intake at other meals. I find it's not really possible to cut bread and carbs out of my diet completely, though I've tried to eat less of it/them. Sometimes you just want a little pizza, you know?

Wish me luck going forward, friends!