Swords and Sneakers

Here's an exercise run down for the week to date:

40-minute, moderately-paced walk with Jenny in the morning; 45-minute brisk walk to the library and back after work (plus 15 minutes of browsing the audio books section); fencing class in the evening

Tuesday: 45-minute walk outdoors after work; later, 60 minutes of fast-paced uphill walking on the treadmill while watching The Biggest Loser (including a 5-minute cool-down)

Wednesday (today): 45-minute walk during lunch as part of a work-sponsored "Walk at Work" event; 30 minutes of brisk uphill walking on the treadmill after work

Note about Tuesday's treadmill session: It's virtually impossible to justify cutting the workout short because you think you're too tired to keep going when the seven Biggest Loser contestants on the screen in front of you are each pulling a car along a race track. That's right, each contestant was harnessed to a car that they then had to pull for 1/2 mile to the finish line. A previous Biggest Loser contestant, who is now training for an Ironman competition, was there to pull a car as well (and she looked amazing). That former BL contestant won this particular challenge: $5,000 in prize money AND her photo on the Wheaties box. Needless to say, instead of quitting, I upped the intensity on the treadmill and kept going.