
It's been about a month since a visit to my doctor kicked me into serious health and fitness mode after my winter lethargy. In other words, about a month--probably more like 3.5 weeks--since I really started exercising regularly and being disciplined about what I eat. Guess what, friends? I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!

Not only do I feel better, I've also lost two pounds (according to the scale at the gym tonight). I'm sure my shoes weigh at least a pound, so I'm going to say I've lost three pounds. YAY!! Three pounds isn't a ton of weight--this laptop weighs more, in fact--but when you're a short person like me, every pound is vital. Three pounds is something and I'll take it!

I've been very focused on being active and on what I eat in order to make this happen. Only eat when legitimately hungry (late-night munchies don't count!), avoid dessert and treats most of the time, stop eating before feeling full, eat mostly plants, get up and move around frequently during the day, work in little bursts of exercise whenever possible (like doing jumping jacks while my lunch is cooking).... Like I said, focus. Now I just have to keep it up.