The Way It Should Be

This past week was what I strive for every week from a fitness perspective. It should be the standard, or even the minimum standard that I seek to exceed. I exercised five days this past week--woot! I ought to have exercised the sixth but didn't make it a high priority and so it didn't happen. Big surprise.

Here's the run-down:

Monday: 75-minute walk
Tuesday: 2-hour bike ride
Wednesday: 60-minute walk (maybe slightly longer; I didn't pay careful attention)
Thursday: Excuses
Friday: Level 1 of new Jillian Michaels' DVD, 30-Day Shred; it was only 20 minutes long but what an intense 20 minutes!
Saturday (today): 50-minute walk followed by the 20-minute Level 2 work-out on JM's Shred DVD (subject of separate entry)

It's sooooo much easier to motivate myself to exercise now that winter is over and the weather is nice! I had intended to go for at least one more bike ride this week, if not two, but the weather turned cold and rainy at the end of the week, which put a kabosh on my plans. C'est la vie.

It feels fantastic to be active and exercising regularly again. I hope that this will result in my clothes fitting better but even if it doesn't, feeling healthier and more energetic is still a tremendous reward in and of itself.