Exercise Roundup, Week of 16 May 2011

Hit my target of exercising five days this week--woot! Of course, Friday's exercise was kind of wimpy as far as real exercise goes, but I compensated by incorporating massive amounts of activity into Saturday. Read on for the details.

Monday: 70-minute bike ride. Got caught in the rain on the way home. I hate riding in the rain! Thankfully, the shower was neither torrential nor lengthy.

Tuesday: Pilates mat class (one hour). Due to other scheduling/timing constraints, I didn't walk to/from this time.

Wednesday: 50 minutes of brisk up-hill walking on the treadmill.

Thursday: Made the mistake of weighing myself before breakfast in the morning at the hotel where I was staying for work. Scale said I'd gained back the five pounds I lost in April! Stupid, faulty scale!! There's simply no other explanation.

Friday: Walked to and from an evening outing around the corner from the Pilates studio, for about 40 minutes of walking total. (See--good activity but not really get-in-better-shape exercise.)

Saturday: 90-minute bike ride that definitely got my heart rate up! As soon as I got home, I changed into non-cycling work-out clothes and went for a 50-minute walk with Rachel, then met up with my friend Kate for another walk that also took about 50 minutes. We stopped for smoothies for lunch and had Kate's three-year-old in the stroller with us. By the end, I was a smelly, sweaty mess in desperate need of a shower.

Sunday: Day of rest.