Exercise Roundup, Week of 9 May 2011

It's almost bedtime and I'm currently bawling my eyes out watching the next-to-last episode of The Biggest Loser, so this will be quick! I hope I can remember what I did every day last week.

Monday: Believe I went for a walk after work and then had my last fencing class.

Tuesday: I took my first-ever Pilates reformer class. Interesting experience. Not as trying a workout as I had expected but still beneficial. I like Pilates because it builds muscle and makes me stronger without lifting weights. I walked to and from the Pilates studio, which is a little over a mile each way and takes me 20-25 minutes on foot.

Wednesday: Bike ride! Rode for a little over an hour and a half--maybe 100 minutes?--on the W&OD trail. I really made an effort to keep my heart rate up the whole time and ride in a high gear. Made it up the evil Hill 2 at the end without stopping! Hooray!!

Thursday: I took a Pilates mat class at the same studio. (They had an amazing deal on-line a couple of weeks ago and I snatched it up). I had expected it to be harder than the Pilates workouts I've done at home off-and-on for years, but it wasn't. It was still good exercise, and I walked to and from again, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well I was able to do all the moves.

Friday & Saturday: EXCUSES!!!

Sunday: Day of rest--but I did go for a leisurely walk with my friend Kate that lasted about 40 minutes, which is at least movement/activity.