Eating My Words

After all my soliloquizing last week about motivations and making healthy food choices and "how much do you want it," I let excuses and lethargy get the better of me on Friday and Saturday. I was feeling a little run down on Friday and used that as an excuse to take a long nap after my physical therapy appointment on Friday morning and not exercise at all that day. Since my goal is five exercise days a week, I figured it was ok to skip it that day, since I'd still make the goal by working out on Saturday. Think again.

I had intended to go for a bike ride on Saturday but the weather turned out to be drizzly and gloomy. No problem, I thought, I'll do the long Jillian Michaels workout video, which I haven't done in awhile. The trouble is, I didn't have a firm schedule for the day, just stuff I had to get done, which meant that the hours passed and somehow, that video never got turned on. I cleaned, ran my errands, did laundry... and lounged around. Excuses!

To make matters worse, I went to a birthday party that afternoon and a farewell party that evening, where I ate, between the two parties, pizza (one slice), a brownie, some ice cream, a few chip-fulls of sausage dip and several chip-scoops of seven-layer dip. OH MY, THE CALORIES!!!

Needless to say, not my finest hours. I made bad choices; I made excuses.

Thankfully, each new day is fresh, with no mistakes in it--which means there's still hope that I'll be able to wear that little black dress to watch fireworks on the 4th of July.