Exercise Roundup, Week of 13 June 2011

How did it get to be the middle of June already? Tomorrow is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Everyone do a little dance at sunrise to celebrate all the daylight.

Last week was definitely NOT exemplary. Far from it. In fact, the word that comes to mind is blech. I made excuses and didn't plan things well and didn't use my time well. Lethargy is my enemy. I'm renewing my resolve this week!

Monday: Hour-long bike ride. I really felt like I was going faster than normal and was sure I was going to do my usual weekday route in less time than normal. When I got home, the clock the confirmed that... I wasn't any faster this time than last time. Oh well, still a good ride.

Tuesday: No exercise. Excuses, all of them lame.

Wednesday: Went to an hour-long Pilates Reformer class at lunchtime. In the evening, walked to and from a friend's house for dinner. (See previous post, "Baby Steps.")

Thursday: Again, no exercise! What is wrong with me this week???

Friday: Did a 20-minute Jillian work-out in the morning. I think I'll soon be ready to advance to Level 3--woot!

Saturday: And for the last time last week, no exercise. Blech. I did go to the pool and make little arm circles in the water for an hour while talking to a friend, but I don't think that counts. I had plenty of time for a real workout and no excuses. I just didn't specifically plan a time to go for my long bike ride, which meant I kept putting it off until finally it was too late to go. By then I'd been lounging and putzing around for so long that I couldn't motivate myself to do any other sort of exercise either. LAME!

Sunday: Day of rest (b/c apparently I was exhausted from all that lying around...).

Clearly, I need to plan a specific time to exercise each day, and a specific activity to do during that time. Otherwise, chances of me actually exercising are slim.

This week will be better!!!