The Possibility to Change

After my disastrous exercise record last week (not to mention the brownies I ate yesterday), I am heartened by this quote on the possibility of change, which I'm implementing in my life TODAY:
Each new day that dawns can be a new day for us to begin to change. We can change our environment. We can change our lives by substituting new habits for old. We can mold our character and future by purer thoughts and nobler actions. As someone once put it, "The possibility of change is always there, with its hidden promise of peace, happiness, and a better way of life."
-- James E. Faust (1920-2007)
Which new, healthy habit are you going to substitute for an old, less-healthy habit this week? Which aspects of your environment are you going to change to make it healthier and more conducive to "peace, happiness, and a better way of life"?

Even when we slip up and revert back to old habits, we can always get back up and recommit to that positive change once again. Over and over. It's the way to make lasting change and progress happen in our lives.

Which is why I threw away the rest of the brownies before I went to bed last night, and I'm going to exercise with Jillian right now.