Exercise Roundup, Week of 29 August 2011

Not my best week for exercise. Lethargy, being on the road for work, and a friend coming to town were to blame. Thankfully, I don't have weeks like this very often.

Monday: Approximately 35 minutes of walking/marching in my hotel room while watching TV after work, plus some push-ups when I was done. I know, it sounds totally lame, and it was. But at least I was moving, which is better than nothing.

Tuesday: Again, about 35-40 minutes of walking on a lovely trail near my hotel. Wish I could have walked longer but I got a late start and the impending twilight forced me to go back.

Wednesday: Traveling for work; no exercise.

Thursday: A friend came to visit from out of town and we did something in the evening; no exercise. Oh wait, did I go for a bike ride that morning? I don't think so. I think I just slept in a bit.

Friday: Mediocre ninety-minute bike ride with my friend LuAnn. We did a different route than we've done before and it wasn't my favorite. Too much urban riding where we couldn't build up much speed. Not terrible by any means, just not the best workout I've had on the bike.

Saturday: Three-hour serious ride in the morning that wiped me out for the rest of the day. I rode about 40 miles round-trip, in three hours (including a 10-minute food break at the half-way point). Not too shabby! Weather was overcast and a little cooler than it has been; perfect for cycling.

Sunday: Day of rest.