After State Dinner, Obama & Lee Visit Michigan

Free trade agreement in spotlight with visit to General Motors plant...
After Thursday's State Dinner, President Obama and President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea will travel to Lake Orion, Michigan, on Friday, the White House announced. They will tour the General Motors Orion Assembly plant. Both Presidents will make remarks on the pending trade agreement with South Korea, which "will open up economic opportunities and support jobs on both sides of the Pacific," the White House said. (Above: The Presidents in an Oval Office meeting in 2009)

Lee will join Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel for dinner in the Windy City on Friday night, Emanuel announced.

The Administration estimates that the free-trade agreement will increase American goods exported to South Korea by up to $11 billion, and support at least 70,000 American jobs nationwide.

"South Korean customers bought an annual average of $626 million worth of goods from Michigan businesses between 2008 and 2010, reports the Detroit News.


*Photo by Pete Souza/White House