First Lady's Kitchen Garden Included On 2011 Fall White House Gardens & Grounds Tour

White House welcomes visitors on Saturday, Oct. 15 & Sunday, Oct. 16; FREE, but tickets required...
First Lady Michelle Obama's
globlly famous Kitchen Garden will once again be included in the Fall White House Gardens & Grounds Tours, when thousands of guests will be allowed to stroll the beautiful, historic campus.   The annual event is this Saturday, October 15th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m., and on Sunday, October 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Visitors can view the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden; the Rose Garden, where President Obama makes many important speeches; and the South Lawn of the White House, in addition to the First Lady's 1,500 square foot vegetable garden, which is at the bottom of the South Lawn. Mrs. Obama last harvested the garden for Fall on Oct. 5th. (Above: A long shot of the harvest).

Some of the vegetables from the Fall Harvest will be used at this Thursday's State Dinner in honor of President Lee Myung-bak of the Republic of Korea. But the Kitchen Garden is still lush and growing; it is a four-season garden. The Garden Tours are free and open to the public; however, a ticket is required for all attendees (including small children). The National Park Service will distribute free, timed tickets at the Ellipse Visitor Pavilion located at 15th and E Streets on each tour day beginning at 8:00 a.m. Tickets will be distributed -- one ticket per person -- on a first-come, first-served basis.  Expect long lines for tickets and security screening at the White House.

In the event of inclement weather, the Garden Tours may be canceled. Call the 24-hour information line at (202) 456-7041 to check on the status of the event. Tours of the White House will not occur on the dates of the Garden Tours.

Please note the following items are not allowed on the White House grounds:

·Food and Beverages of any kind

·Duffel Bags/Suitcases/Backpacks

·Animals (except guide dogs)

·Aerosols of any kind

·Knives of any size



·Real or Simulated Weapons/Ammunition


·The U.S. Secret Service reserves the right to prohibit any other personal items.

The U.S. Secret Service reserves the right to prohibit any other personal items. However, strollers, wheelchairs, and cameras are permitted.

*Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy