Fit For Duty: White House Releases Results Of President Obama's 2011 Medical Exam

President is "tobacco free" and "fit at fifty"...has improved cholesterol numbers since his last physical...
The White House today released a report from President Obama's second periodic physical examination performed at the White House Medical Unit. The exam was performed last week by Dr. Jeffrey C. Kuhlman, a Navy captain and the Physician to the President, who led a team that put the President through his tests. The report was released with Mr. Obama's consent, and finds that the President is "tobacco free" and eats a healthy diet.  The report reveals an improvement in some formerly high cholesterol levels, noted in the President's previous medical exam, completed in February of 2010.

"The President is in excellent health and 'fit for duty.' All clinical data indicate he will remain so for the duration of his Presidency," Kuhlman wrote. "The President is current on all age-appropriate screening tests. He is 'fit at fifty' and 'staying healthy at 50+.' "

Mr. Obama turned fifty on August 4th, 2011. He is six feet 1 inches tall and weighs 181.3 pounds. He has a Body Mass Index of 23.9 kg/m2, which puts him in the "normal" category. His pulse is 67 bpm, while his heart rate is 107/71. His temperature is 97.7 degrees.

All physical systems were noted as "normal," and the President's lip laceration, acquired from a thrown elbow during a basketball game last year, is "well healed." One procedure that was done during the exam: The President had "benign skin tags" removed from his neck. He has 20/20 vision, though "mild myopia and astigmatism" are present, but do not require correction.

The President has stopped smoking, and his report lists him as "tobacco free," but there is no nicotine replacement therapy listed among the medications he uses, though he is frequently seen chewing gum. He is physically active--loads of golf and basketball, as well as self-reported treadmill use--and "eats a healthy diet."

The First Lady does not allow him to have "second or third helpings" at mealtimes, the President said this weekend. Mr. Obama "on occasion drinks alcohol in moderation," according to the report.  He's a big fan of candy, for the record.  And chicken wings.  And oh yes, burgers...

A diabetes screen proved normal, with blood glucose of 85 mg/dl. A Colorectal cancer screen performed on Feb. 28, 2010 was negative, and a Prostrate cancer screen, performed at "informed patient request," was PSA 0.80 ng/mL.

The President's cholesterol levels, a subject of national attention in February of 2010, have improved. His total cholesterol went down from 209 to a current level of 193 at the time of the exam, while his LDL cholesterol went from 138 to 110, which is considered in the normal range. Optimal is under 129. He is not on cholesterol medication.

The President's HDL cholesterol rose from 62 to 69, which is a positive uptick. The President's VLDL cholesterol went from 9 to a current level of 14.

The President's cholesterol to HDL ratio went from 2.8 in February of 2010 to a current level of 3.4.

The President has "rare use" of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, "associated with episodes of strenuous physical activity." He takes ant-Malarial drugs "associated with travel to areas of malaria." Recommended "routine, global travel, and influenza immunizations are up-to-date."

The exam was performed with participation of consultants from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Dr. Kuhlman recommends the President's next physical take place in December 2012.

*Photo of President Obama in Denver, CO, by Pete Souza/White House