Today: First Lady Travels To New Orleans For Let's Move! Event; Houston Fundraisers Cancelled

In Louisiana, a focus on early childhood intervention...First Lady Michelle Obama will visit New Orleans today for an 11:00 AM Let's Move! event at the Royal Castle Child Development Center, the first nationally-accredited day care center in the city, which serves more than than 100 children. Mrs. Obama had two DNC fundraisers scheduled after in Houston, Texas, but the White House announced on Monday that these have been canceled.

In New Orleans, Mrs. Obama's event will "highlight the importance of building healthy habits at a very young age," said the East Wing. "The Louisiana Children's Museum conducts East Sleep Play, an 11-week program at the center with children and parents focused on healthy eating and learning about good nutrition and physical fitness."

The program is actually called Eat Sleep Play, and is an arts-based health curriculum that was developed at the Children's Museum of Manhattan (CMOM) as part of a three-year pilot program to teach children, parents and caregivers how to eat healthy, get the right amount of sleep and lead an active lifestyle. CMOM staff have trained staff at the Louisiana Children's Musuem, who in turn have trained staff at Royal Castle Child Development Center.

In May of 2011, Mrs. Obama launched Let's Move Museums and Gardens, which focuses on using museums and public education facilities for her childhood obesity initiative. In June of 2011, Mrs. Obama launched Let's Move Childcare, which focuses on early childhood development.

One of the canceled Houston fundraisers Mrs. Obama was supposed to attend was at the River Oaks mansion of Laura and John Arnold, a billionaire and former Enron trader. Guests paid $10,000 to attend the evening reception, with couples paying $15,000. An earlier 5:30 PM reception cost $250 per ticket.