President Obama, Cannes G20 Family Photo

President is "much beloved" in France, says Sarkozy...
President Obama arrived amidst a morning rain storm in Cannes, France today for the G20 summit. He rapidly held bilaterals with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who said during a press conference that Mr. Obama is "much beloved" in France. There was much schmoozing at a working lunch. By late afternoon, when it was time for the G20 leaders' family photo, the President was in a jocular mood, joking and laughing as he stood front and center in the photo line, beside Sarkozy and President Yudhoyono of Indonesia. (Above: Obama with Sarkozy, cener; at left is China's President Hu Jintao and Angela Merkel; in turban is India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. President Obama has honored all three with State Dinners)

"One more time!" President Obama joked to the gathered photographers, waving and flashing his smile.

He's the most poweful man in the world, after all, and the global financial crisis hadn't dimmed his mood.

Sarkozy earlier in the day announced that President Obamawill appear in a joint interview with him for French television, which stands to boost Mr. Sarkozy's re-election efforts.

The President's G20 schedule.

This is the President's fifth G20. It is also his nineteenth foreign trip since taking office, his tenth trip to Europe, and his fourth visit to France.

From the family photo pool report:
Backdrop was a stylized, blue, white and red Eiffel Tower and the slogan "G20 France 2011 - Nouveau monde, nouvelles idees" ie "New world, new ideas".

POTUS was nearly centerstage and front row, at Sarkozy's left. At his right was President Yudhoyono of Indonesia and then Felipe Calderon of Mexico.

Sarkozy was flanked by President Hu Jintao of China to his right. PMs Manmohan Singh of India and Erdogan of Turkey were behind POTUS.

The ballet started with POTUS entering the room from our left talking with Angela Merkel. He then talked for a few seconds with Prime minister Harper of Canada, and everybody soon took their marked spot... but President Hu who was running late.

Once he arrived, one minute after his colleagues, the leaders just stood smiling for 20 seconds. Sarko tried to stop the photo op, breaking ranks, but snappers protested loudly and the leaders came back at their spots.

"One more time!" joked POTUS, waving and flashing his smile.

Pool was Tangi Quemener of

*Photos from the French Presidency of the G20