VP's Office Tweets Biden-Cantor Dinner

The Vice President and the House Majority Leader have a "close relationship," according to the White House...
A photo of Vice President Joe Biden and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) having a candle-lit dinner with their wives, Dr. Jill Biden and Mrs. Diana Cantor, at the Naval Observatory on Wednesday night was tweeted on the @VP account on Thursday night. The bipartisan dinner was deemed a "personal" and "social" event by the White House. Despite being a sharp critic of the Obama Administration's policies, Cantor has a "close" personal relationship with Biden, according to the White House.

"Diana and I are looking forward to sitting down with @VP and Jill Biden for dinner tonight." Cantor tweeted on Wednesday evening, on his @EricCantor account.

Biden and Cantor "developed a close relationship during their prolonged negotiations earlier this year" over the debt ceiling, Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters on Wednesday, adding that the dinner was "something that the two gentlemen had wanted to do for some time, and they finally got it on the schedule."

The Vice President likes the idea of re-enacting the "collegial" cross-aisle socializing that went on during his 36 years in the Senate, Carney explained.

The Thursday night tweet from @VP: "PHOTO: VP and Dr. B at dinner last night with @GOPLeader Cantor and Diana Cantor at the U.S. Naval Observatory http://pic.twitter.com/L"

*Photo by @VP