ASAN-OSU attends Nisonger Autism Institute

On Wednesday, June 23, Benzion Chinn, Patrick Meehan, Melanie Yergeau, Whitney Brooks, and Hillary Spears attended the first annual Nisonger Autism Institute at Ohio State, a day-long conference that focused on transition issues across the lifespan.

Melanie, Benzion, and Patrick

Attendees primarily included service providers and researchers, and to a lesser extent included parents. Out of over 100 people, Benzion, Patrick, and Melanie were the only autistic self-advocates in attendance. Both Benzion and Patrick presented on behalf of Aspirations Ohio regarding transition into adulthood.

Whitney, Hillary, and Melanie

During the institute, ASAN members distributed ASAN literature and autistic pride buttons to many in the audience; additionally, the editor of Disability Studies Quarterly distributed information about the journal's recent issue on neurodiversity, which features the work of several ASAN members and supporters.

ASAN-Central Ohio is currently drafting feedback for the institute's organizers. Other recaps of the day's events can be found at Benzion's blog and Melanie's twitter archive.