Chef Comerford At The Let's Move! Tweetup

Executive Chef Cristeta Comerford gave the 17 folks invited to today's first-ever Let's Move! Tweetup some lessons in easy, healthy cooking this afternoon.

In the White House kitchen, the Top Toque demonstrated how to make healthy veggie wraps, using the MyPlate icon as guidance.

Comerford loaded vegetables into whole grain pita pockets as the group watched. During First Lady Obama's Kitchen Garden harvest, Comerford and the other White House chefs also "cooked" beside the garden, making Grilled Garden Pizzas, topped with eggplant, sweet potatoes, red pepper, and squash. Mrs. Obama sat with five kids at a picnic table and enjoyed the feast, which included a newly-plucked salad. Check the sidebar of the blog for White House recipes, including special MyPlate recipes.

The Tweetup guests--five men and 12 women--were selected "from hundreds of applicants" who follow the @Letsmove account, according to Hannah August, the First Lady's Press Secretary. They also met with Beekeeper Charlie Brandts, with Sam Kass, with Let's Move! Executive Director Dr. Judith Palfrey, and Policy Advisor Jocelyn Frye. The Let's Move! account has 13,875 followers as of this writing, and is written by staff. (Above: The group; the White House released the photo without id's)

Mrs. Obama will answer questions about her childhood obesity efforts on Twitter "in the coming days," the White House promised on Tuesday, with the hashtag #AskMichelle.

*Photos tweeted by @LetsMove