First Lady's Kitchen Garden Harvest: White House Livestream At 3:00 PM ET

When First Lady Obama harvests her Kitchen Garden for Fall this afternoon, it will be livestreamed at starting at 3:00 PM ET. The event will also include the first-ever Let's Move! White House Tweetup.

Eighteen people are participating, an East Wing aide informs Obama Foodorama (up from Tuesday's announcement of 15 people). The group has just arrived at the White House, and are touring the Kitchen Garden with Senior Policy Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives Sam Kass. (Above: Kass leading the group on the tour)

The group will also be preparing "a healthy meal" in the White House kitchen with Executive Chef Cris Comerford, and visiting the beehive with Beekeeper-in-Chief Charlie Brandts. The group will also have a conversation with Let’s Move Executive Director Dr. Judith Palfrey and Jocelyn Frye, Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady.

The group of Twitter users who have already started tweeting include: @rshreeves @patchesmagarro @katekatebear @Prevent_Obesity @ificmedia @phillyfoodforthought @susaw @dcdiners @goGIRLglobal @Kaboom

Follow @letsmove, @ObamaFoodorama and use the hashtage #WHTweetup. Have a question for Mrs. Obama about her campaign? She'll be answering some Qs on Twitter and Facebook in the coming days. Use #AskMichelle and send to @Letsmove.

*Photo by @dcdiners