Video: Nate Berkus Interviews First Lady Obama

First Lady discusses Let's Move! campaign, the importance of gardening for children, and praises America's chefs...
Nate Berkus
, host of NBC's The Nate Berkus Show, visited the White House during the October 5th Fall Harvest of First Lady Michelle Obama's Kitchen Garden. In this video clip from the show that aired on Monday, Berkus interviews Mrs. Obama. They discuss the Let's Move! campaign, Mrs. Obama's efforts to change the palates of America's children, the Chefs Move to Schools initiative, and how the Kitchen Garden has inspired similar projects in schools and communities across the country. The special White House episode aired on Monday, and to date it is the best visit by a TV series. (Above: Mrs. Obama and Berkus during their interview)

"Our ultimate hope is that when kids participate in the growth of food they'll be more interested in using that food, and being more likely to try some new things," Mrs. Obama said. "And then that way you can slip in a little education...and they take pride and ownership in it."

Chefs Move to Schools is a Let's Move! component run by USDA that marries professional chefs to local schools to boost nutrition initiatives, and has become an important initiative.  3,700 chefs have now signed up to participate, according to Senior Policy Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives Sam Kass.

"The chefs in this country have stepped up in major ways," Mrs. Obama said.  "And many of them — I'm proud to say — have found it as a pathway to healthier living for themselves as well."

The White House chefs have adopted DC's Harriet Tubman Elementary School for Chefs Move. The collective 75-pound weight loss of three of the chefs made national headlines last week.

Berkus during his visit also got a special Kitchen Garden tour from Kass, and cooked soup in the kitchen with Executive Chef Cris Comerford (the video and recipe). "American Grown," Mrs. Obama's forthcoming book about the Kitchen Garden, will be released in April of 2012.

*Photo & video from The Nate Berkus Show